The readings I offer are about empowering you by providing clarity around where you have felt stuck or stagnant. Unclear, uncertain, potentially even suspended. We will uncover the riddles that have been influencing you, alleviating the discomfort of feeling like you have been living behind a veil.
I read using tarot and oracle cards, I call upon the wisdom of my ancestors, sacred gatekeepers of magick and higher wisdom. I use the gift of intuition to dive in and de riddle.
In a session we will discuss why you felt the pull to connect and chose this modality. We will then journey through the threads created by the cards and conversation to weave through what comes up.
My readings are an extension of talk therapy, a tool that can be used on its own or incorporated in any of my treatments upon request or recommendation.
This offering opens up the avenue to create self care plans to keep you on track, offering you more support if you circumstances require it.
To discuss further please follow the link below to contact me directly.
I look forward to hearing from you and am open to any questions you may have!